In India, a major chunk of mining and mineral potential could be unearthed in the forest areas and tribal belts. Most of tribal habitats are in forest areas. Hence, any mineral resource development involves to a greater extent disturbance to terrestrial configuration. There can be no mineral development without disturbance to terrestrial configuration as far as the Scheduled Areas are concerned according to top officials of department of mines and geology.
Also, for all good reasons, laws have been enacted for preserving the environmental purity and ecological integrity-Forest Conservation Act, AP Land Transfer Regulation Act and Anti Pollution Act etc. These acts in implementation have become impediments to ‘growth and development’ with reference to Scheduled Areas in the context of exploring mining and mineral potential, feel, those engaged in that activity. This needs to be analyzed in different dimensions.
As a matter of fact development of mineral resources in tribal belts has become a fancy footwork of avoiding legal hurdles and satisfying the environmental and ecological consideration. Thus it should be conceded that mineral resources development in forest and scheduled areas is more complicated than development in other areas.
The Government of Andhra Pradesh has declared parts of 9 districts in the state as Scheduled Areas where there is high density of tribal concentration and dwelling. Certain mandals and villages have also been named under sub-plan list in the state. The idea is to see that the tribal population which is concentrated in the identified districts, mandals and villages get all the attention and assistance for development, improve the standard of living without getting dislocated from their natural places of habitation and to protect their cultural heritage.
One of the assets of the tribal is the availability of minerals in their areas. According to a senior official of department of mines and geology, of Andhra Pradesh government, very large number of mineral deposits exist in the tribal tracts of which much is known but remain under exploited or unexploited and thereby left un-utilized. If these areas are properly investigated and exploited, discloses the official, that, there will be tremendous development of mining and mineral based industries resulting in industrial employment for the tribal. The tribal areas comprises of Gondwana, Purana and Peninsular Gneissic Complex and Archaean Formations which are spread in parts of Vishakhapatnam, Vizianagaram, Srikakulam, East Godavari ,West Godavari, Khammam, Warangal, Karimnagar, Adilabad, Medak, Nizamabad, Nalgonda and Mahaboobnagar districts. The entire tribal belt is potentially rich in both high grade and low grade metallic and non metallic deposits namely coal, limestone, iron ore, dolomite, graphite, Kyanite, marbles, bauxite, Laterite, vermiculite, Manganese ,Garnet, Corrundum and building materials. In addition to these, there is a possibility of finding new deposits in varied geological formations by intensive explorations.
There are number of promising mineral occurrences in the remote tribal villages, which needs multi disciplinary and integrated mineral investigation/exploration, preparation of geological maps and techno feasibility reports before suggesting for mining or for mineral based industries.
It is estimated that about 700 million tones of bauxite suitable for aluminum plant is available in vizag and East Godavari sector. Good bauxite grade is available in Scheduled and fragile forest zones only. As such there is a great urgency and need in deciding the issue of establishing an aluminum plat in Andhra Pradesh so as to cope up with the Globalization, but in accordance with the existing legal frame work and judicial pronouncements only.
Vast mineral potential in tribal areas can be commercially exploited, perhaps involving tribal community, and number of down stream mineral industries can also be developed for value addition and exports. When this is achieved it would not be difficult to create any permanent arrangement to create a permanent “Royalty Developmental Dividend Fund” for tribal development.
The major minerals in tribal districts of Andhra Pradesh are: Adilabad- Limestone, Manganese, Clays and Iron ore, Khammam-Graphite, Dolomite, Barites, Garnet, corrundum, chromite, iron ore, copper, coal, Quart &feldspar, Steatite and Red oxide ,Mahaboobnagar-Quartz, limestone, Barites and Diamonds, Warangal-Coal, Iron ore, Steatite, Amethyst, Laterite, Clay and Quartz, Nizamabad-Quartz, Granite, Amethyst and Laterite, Medak-Quartz, Ochre’s and Clay, Nalgonda-Limestone, Clay and lead, East Godavari-Bauxite, Laterite, Graphite, clay and Tungsten, West Godavari-Clay, Graphite and Mica, Visakhapatnam-Bauxite, Apatite, Vermiculite, Graphite, Limestone, Limekankar, ochre and Mica, Vizianagaram-Graphite, Manganese, Limekankar, Granite, laterite and bauxite and Srikakulam-Graphite, Managanese, quart, quartzite, granite and laterite).
The major minerals listed abobe, district wise, are used in a variety of industries. Broadly the uses are : Apatite is used in Phosphoric acid, elemental phosphorous in fertilizer production : Barites in Barium chemicals, X-Rays, Barium Meal, paints and as filler in rubber and linoleum : Bauxite in Alumina Cement, Alumina Refractories, Abrassives, Alumina and Aluminum Chemicals: Calcite in Bleaching Powder, Calcium Carbide, as filler in Rubber Paper and also used in melting: Chromate in Chrome Chemicals: Clays in Sanitary ware, fire bricks, stone ware pipes, flooring tiles, HT insulators, levitation, jars, potteries, Mangalore tiles, ceramics, and refractory, electrical fuse holders and distemper: Corundum in Abrasive, gem cutting and faceting: Dolomite in Pulverizing, refractory cement, manufacture of Glass, ceramics, paper, rubber, leather, insecticides, Pesticides, steel and magnesium salts; Feldspar in ceramics, refractories, tiles, sanitary ware, potteries and glass and Garnet is used in Abrassive, gem-cutting and faceting.
It is estimated, that, more than 3800 million tones of ‘Limestone’ reserves are available in five districts of Adilabad, Karimnagar, Vishakhapatnam, Nalgonda and Mahaboobnagar, according to the statistical data available with the department of mines and geology of state government. The estimated ‘Bauxite’ reserves of Vishakhapatnem and east Godavari districts are of the order of 700 million tones. The reserves of this mineral available in Vizianagaram and Srikakulam districts are yet to be estimated. While the ‘coal’ reserves in Khammam, karimnagar, Warangal and Adilabad districts are more than 10,000 million tones and the same is being successfully exploited. Estimates of several other major minerals are yet to be made. But the potential is very high.
Mining of mineral deposits will undoubtedly expedite, development of infrastructure facilities such as roads, bridges, transport development, electrification, communication, irrigation, hospitals, schools, educational facilities welfare amenities and several other social & economic conditions such as employment generation, population control, literacy, education, health, water and provision of food security.
Care should however be taken to see, that, all the mining industry in tribal areas should absorb majority of tribal population, as workers so that tribal could get employment depending on the suitability. The tribal can be made to form small cooperative societies so that they can be involved in several fields such as small business concerns and cooperative stores and for trading.
Displaced tribal from these areas have to be suitably rehabilitated and can be considered for allotting to them selected areas with suitable private technical guidance in developing coffee plantation, farming, sheep rearing, social forestry etc.
Tribal can also be uplifted by suitably granting certain percentage of shares in mining business. This will naturally make them aware of the importance of mineral in their land holds and steadily make them know the intricacies in the business and trade and thus encourage and promote them to join the stream of business management
Ultimately this will enhance their standard of living. All these will cater to their needs, and will cause a general improvement in their living condition. They will become aware and educated and thus take care of their land holdings properly and effectively. This will ensure curtailment of illegal mining activity in the areas.
అయాం ఎ బిగ్ జీరో (104) – భండారు శ్రీనివాసరావు
12 hours ago
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